VALVe's Medic Massacre:
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning (the 30th), it was discovered by an unknown individual that it was possible to unlock all 36 achievements and all 3 weapons with one simple console command: achievement_unlock_all Within the hour of discovering this myself, it was posted here. This exploit traveled from server to server like wildfire with many individuals even changing their in-game names to the console command for ease of explanation to other players.
For as many layers "legitimately" accomplished the achievements, there were countless more that farmed then in private servers with their clan, farmed then on public servers to their team's outcry (Heavies get frustrated when a medic pass them by and uber a scout), or used any combination of other console commands to receive the weapons. It was an epidemic.
Within 24 hours VALVe issued an update, removing the console commands and attempting to reset the achievements of players who took advantage of the exploit. According to the forums, some people had their medic achievements wiped clean after using the command, other retained their weapons alone, some retained everything they had received from the command, while others, myself included, actually gained achievements that they had never recieved previously. Needless to say, it was a mess and VALVe's attempt to correct the problem has utterly failed.
Some players felt that those who used the exploits were cheaters and deserved to have all of the achievements and weapons revoked, while many casual and non-clan players felt that the achievements are something that only hardcore players with a large number of friends in a clan. One specific achievement requires the player to join 10 of their steam friends in battle and deploy an uber on them, something that would be very difficult or impossible for many players to do without simply adding random acquaintance to your friends list.
This entire situation has become a very controversial topic amongst the TF2 community. The most hardcore of players feel that as "better" medics it is only fair for them to receive the special weapons, while there are those people who think that, in order to be truly fair, everyone should have access to the same weapons. In addition, many people are also fearing an added RPG feel or leveling-up system similar to games like Battlefield 2 and Call of Duty 4.

Personally, I am finding myself on both sides of the issue. I feel that one of the strongest aspects of Team Fortress 2 is its dynamic team and class mechanics that could be greatly added to by the additional of new, but not necessarily stronger/better weaponry. This would allow all players and teams an additional level of strategy and thought when they are caught in a sticky situation on the battlefield. I love achievements and I must say after hours and hours of Xbox 360 gaming that they do have a very satisfying appeal to them, but I do not think they should be used as a means of unlocking or accessing additional content, so I propose a happy medium:
- New weapons are open to all players immediately
- 36 achievements are added for all classes
- Completing different levels of the achievements would allow access to costume changes, accessories, taunts that would make those who are more experienced and more accomplished clearly stand-out amongst the crowd.
Tell us what you think and we'll do our best to respond or use your thoughts in future TF2 posts.
On the one end I feel that the weapons should take effort to unlock.. On the other end that very fact has caused scores and SCORES of mediocre medic to flood ALL the servers I play.
So with that in mind I feel that it may be a good idea to make the weapons open to all..
But wouldn't even purely cosmetic unlocks cause mass farming regardless. So that players can be thought of as a "1337" player
I hope that all the people who are just playing medic to get the achievements/weapons either get discouraged or earn them all so that those who love the class can play it.
Dr. Wolfman
i think that yes, you should be able to change how you look at weapons but not enough to stand amongst a crowd, i mean they made it RED and BlUE to clearly distinct between 2 teams, but i kinda agree but valve should add tiny details that doesnt really matter but make lots of accesories to be different, like a soldier, we could change the appearance of his helmet, shoe, or add some red blood that the color is deeper then the costume for red team, and for blu team maybe some water style skins for themm and for achievements i think that you shuld get an effort to do to make it more fun but not to difficult like uberin a scout and has to get 3 kills. i feel that all classes should get new weapons but a an upgrade, it is fair because that every other class has an upgrade it level the playing feild, soldier, his rpg is strong enough but what about changing the skin or make it spiral to make it badder and makeit 3 times as fast to make it better
They flood the servers, they start farming, and they start cussing you when me when i kill them. As if it's my fault. I just want a damn game.
Recently i saw a map which was named achievement_box. Turns out they created a whole map just for farming, anyway that was inevitable somehow.
I cant imagine what would happen when the other class updates come in.Imagine a game full of spies...
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