Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Team Fortress 2 Update - Get All Medic Achievements!

Here is a quick post for all you cheaters out there:

Type this into the console:


You will have all the achievements and the three new weapons!

Bada Bing! Bada Boom!

Maybe you only play occasionally and wanted to be able to be on the same level as other players (to be fair) or you simply never play as Medic and just wanted to see the weapons for a few rounds of fun. Either way, we won't judge you.

DISCLAIMER: RiKtS does not support cheating or hacking in any way. We only felt the need to display the option to our readers, as well as call out Valve on its critical miss that would have been posted all over the net eventually.


If you want to keep the weapons unlocked, but would like the challenge of completing the achievements you can type:


This will remove all of your achievements though so be ready to re-do them all. I am actually looking forward to re-unlocking all these achievements.


VALVe has released a patch that removes the achievement console commands. This information will no longer work.

We will have a full article about this unfortunate incident and what it means for the future of TF2 coming Friday.


Anonymous said...

By the way, if you did this and regret it like myself, you can do achievement_reset_all.

Anonymous said...

which is the console button?

SirDesmond said...

the console button is the ~ key, but you have to allow access to it and the advanced section of the controls.

Anonymous said...

For me this don't work :(