Next time you and your family are planning a trip, consider Sealand.
What? You've never heard of Sealand?
How could you not know about the great country just a mere six miles off the coast of Suffolk, England, which at one time had a whopping population of 42 people? Sealand is a micronation which during WWII was an ocean fort for the British. After the war concluded the facility known as Roughs Tower was occupied by Roy Bates, an English man who desired to conduct pirate radio broadcasts from this fort technically in international waters. Well the country got it's start in a manner that I'm sure is retold to all with a sense of pride. One day while at the fort some British workmen were trying to repair a buoy near Roughs Tower, well Bates idiot son decides it's a fantastic idea to try to scare them off by firing warning shots. Soon Roy is called into an English court, due to the fact he was still a subject of the nation. Well, the court threw out his case after it was determined that "Sealand" was outside of British jurisdiction.
Now this could be the end of this nation's pointless story, but I assure you it gets better. Ten years after the British court's ruling, while Roy was away, the Prime Minister and several others staged a coup and even took Bates' idiot son hostage. After this, Bates then enlists mercenaries to help him take back the nation through a helicopter raid on the tiny nation. They then held those involved in the coup as "prisoners of war" which actually involved the governments of the Netherlands and Germany getting involved to get their people back.
That's about the high point in this nation's existence. Since then the country has experienced a fire and is asking for donations on their official site to cover the "one million dollar" cost to repair. American dollars are welcomely accepted and don't worry about conversion rates as the Sealand dollar is set to always be equal to the standard of the US Dollar. Also since the time of the coup, Sealand has revoked all of the passports they issued due to the large amount of counterfeit passports that were being made.
If this interests you then you can come for a stay at wonderful Sealand, or if you have the money, you can buy Sealand! That's right a country all your own! Last year the country was put up for sale and for $128,830,221 the custodianship of the great 5,920 sq. ft. nation will be transfered to you. As the Sealanders say, "From the Sea, Freedom."
Here's the official site:
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